Mister Twister

Balloon Artist
Kids Say The Darndest Things!
This is a true story, though the names have been changed.
As I was walking home from the Sunday Flea Market in my Clown Suit, a number of years ago,
a young boy spied me from within his house as he was peeking out through his screen door. He could have not been more than perhaps three or four at the time.
His eyes went wide, and he just stared for a few moments, before calling out..
"Are you a clown?"
I smiled, and nodded to him, and said "Why, yes I am! Hello!"
The youngster giggled, then pointed, and asked me "Is dat the suit you wear to
your birfday parties?"
I told him that it was so then turned around so he could get a good look at it.
He then points at my face, and asked me "Is that makeups you gots on?"
I then nodded and smiled, saying it was and showed him by wiping some on my finger.
His mother, called out from the kitchen, I could hear her plain as day as she yelled,
"Tommy, who are you talking to, baby?"
The youngster called back to his mother between fits of mad giggles.
"Mom!! Mom!! Mom!! Know whats mom? Guess what? Dere's a mans, Mom!
An.. an.. know whats mom? Deres dis man, an.. an.. he's out in the street..
and guess what mommy? He's in his birfday suit, an wearing makeups!"
His mother shrieked with alarm, and came running to the door, prepared to
defend her child against whatever vile person was threatening his innocence,
armed with a large and very solid looking frying pan.
I, on the other hand, was trying very hard to not groan and facepalm
and was finding it near impossible to keep a straight face.
Tommy looked up excitedly at his mother, and said "See mom? Dere
he is! He says he wears dat suit to his birfday parties! I think its nice!"
She took one look, her staring at me, and me at her, and then we both just broke
down and started laughing so hard our sides hurt.
Little Tommy never did realize what we were laughing at.